Come up to the glistening light, to the whispering breeze, come up the Cypress Tree to express what’s true
Sketches, essays, poems to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, or when your most vulnerable parts are seeking a little encouragement.
I want my fragile life, all full of living
Cypress Treehouse welcomes all people, all abilities, all ages, all religions, all races, all nationalities, all colors, all genders, all creeds. We believe we are a humanity of 1000 voices, 1000 points of light. We believe there is beauty in diversity. Your dignity will be honored here.
Cloud Poem
This poem was collaboratively written in the last moments of a Dance Movement Therapy group that I led at a Rehabilitation Center in Colorado
Cultivating friendship in mud houses
Friendship is a precious and sometimes subtle gift that starts from within.
What To Remember While Waking
“In that first hardly noticed moment in which you wake,
coming back to this life from the other
more secret, moveable and frighteningly honest world
where everything began,
there is a small opening into the new day
which closes the moment you begin your plans.
Come join us!
Cypress Treehouse Counseling welcomes all persons, all abilities, all ages, all religions, all genders, all colors, all nationalities, all races, all ethnicities, and all creeds. We believe we are an interconnected humankind of 1000 Voices, 1000 points of light, and there is beauty in our diversity. You are welcome here.