peace is as important as air
Welcome! I am so happy you're here to receive an encouraging sketch, an inspiring idea on occasion from Cypress Treehouse Counseling. Thank you warmly for your interest! Because we're a treetop refuge for healing and discovery through counseling and artistic expression, the perspective of an artist will be shared in these sketches along with a therapist’s, along with a gentle home-practice of participation. I hope you enjoy! First, we celebrated contrast: light against darkness, curve and line, rough and smooth. Then readers voted to receive a poem, The Pandemic Halo. And last time, we looked at anxiety and recovery. This time, we celebrate peace. (Please find previous sketches under, "Sketchbook of Ideas" on our website,
Peace is as important as air. That's why we've all become lovers of dog hugs and cat memes. There has to be something in our lives that is quiet, something beyond words. This 'something' helps give our lives meaning. Without it, we are miserable, so restless and unhappy. A friend found her stride in her work recently. She said she felt at last balanced. She described it as, "a rhythm of clearing the space and then welcoming the sweet spot again and again." That's it. That simple:"-Clear, -Sweet Spot, -Repeat"
I mention this because of the 'clearing process', each time. Clearing acknowledges peace. It acknowledges the peace we need. The slowing down to clear out, to simplify, to get specific honors the open time and space of our lives, the deep memory of that 'loving presence in all time and all space' of a baby's perception. This is our first food, our first air as we're born into this world and again as we cross-over at the end. We actually need this food, this air, this peace - all throughout our lives.
Because I am naturally a bit of a pack-rat, my confession to you is that my 'clearing process' is more often a 'seeing and describingprocess.' This too helps to clear and create space... and peace. Simply seeing what is there, as is, with an appreciation for it and the space around it (its color, texture, weight, and tone, it's substantiality, its shape and silhouette...) Observing in this way is my clearing process, is my peace. I also remember to look to the sky which is always above us or to look out to the horizon for the earth's silhouette.
Sometimes this observing lets me even see how the space above and between can become radiant with the seeing. (Have you ever noticed, when something is seen as it is, the space becomes radiant? I've noticed this.) Seeing the space around things, around form, is described in artistic terms as seeing 'negative space.'And seeing the thing, the form, is seeing 'positive space.'What's fun it is to realize that negative space and positive space are always in relationship, they play. The radiance of the tension 'between' the substantially of positive space and the openness of negative space easily becomes 'creative process.' At Cypress Treehouse, we have the wonderful opportunity to enter this radiant space and to explore everything in it as a celebration of peace. Need more peace? Schedule an appointment at
Today, I offer 7 poems and prayers of peace. Enjoy their quiet seen and unseen parts and let me know your favorite passages. Also, ask me to tell you more about 'body process' if you are curious. (See home-practice below.♡)
1)Peace Poem by John Denver-
There's a name for war and killing
There's a name for giving in
When you know another answer
For me the name is sin
But there's still time to turn around
And make all hatred cease
And give another name to living
And we could call it peace
And peace would be the road we walk
Each step along the way
And peace would be the way we work
And peace the way we play
And in all we see that's different
And in all the things we know
Peace would be the way we look
And peace the way we grow
There's a name for separation
There's a name for first and last
When it's all for us or nothing
For me the name is past
But there's still time to turn around
And make all hatred cease
And give a name to all the future
And we could call it peace
And if peace is what we pray for
And peace is what we give
Then peace will be the way we are
And peace the way we live
Yes there still is the time to turn around
And make all hatred cease
And give another name to living
And we can call it peace
2) Deep Peace
Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the gentle night to you,
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you,
Deep peace to you.
Ancient Celtic Verse
3) Let us know peace.
For as long as the moon shall rise,
For as long as the rivers shall flow,
For as long as the sun shall shine,
For as long as the grass shall grow,
Let us know peace.
— Cheyenne Prayer
4) May all I say and all I think
be in harmony with Thee,
God within me,
God beyond me,
Maker of the Trees.
— Chinook Prayer
5) Fill us with the Light.
Give us the strength to understand, and the eyes to see.
Teach us to walk the soft Earth as relatives to all that lives.
— Sioux Prayer
6) MOON by Reed Bye
Crossing a geyser
Wind-shook, ghost
Shirt billowing a
Plume on a pastel stem
Seen through the square of its hold
Seen through the square of its, its hold
Moon the visible
Plume on vertiginous stem
Wind-shook, ghost
Shirt a
Crossing of hairs in a geyser
Crossing hairs in a geyser
Seen through the square of its hold
Shirt a
Moon ship, gap in the visible
Wind-shook, ghost
Plume on the bob of its stem
Plume on the bob of its stem
Crossing hairs in a geyser
Wind-shook, ghost
Seen through the square of its hold
Moon the gap in the visible
Shirt a
Shirt a
Plume on the bob of its stem
Moon ship visible
Crossing a geyser
Seen through the square of its hold
Wind-shook, ghost
Wind-shook ghost-
Shirt the hair of a geyser
Seen through the square of its hold
Plume on the bob of its stem
Moon ship visible
Crossing a cowslip a
Moon on a geyser. Plume.
Wind-shook. Ghost ship
Seen through the square of its hold
7) Earth teach me stillness
as the grasses are stilled with light.
Earth teach me suffering
as old stones suffer with memory.
Earth teach me humility
as blossoms are humble with beginning.
Earth teach me caring
as the mother who secures her young.
Earth teach me courage
as the tree which stands all alone.
Earth teach me limitation
as the ant which crawls on the ground.
Earth teach me freedom
as the eagle which soars in the sky.
Earth teach me resignation
as the leaves which die in the fall.
as the seed which rises in the spring.
Earth teach me to forget myself
as melted snow forgets its life.
Earth teach me to remember kindness
as dry fields weep with rain.
— "Earth Teach Me to Remember," John Yellow Lark, Ute
Tell me:
Which words and sentiments speak most clearly to your heart? Email me back...
(♡Home-practice: you guessed it, for 2 minutes sometime this week, create a small peace ritual. You may notice the relationship between positive and negative space ...on the horizon or between and above the things in your vision in quiet celebration of seeing 'as is' which is peace. I'd love to hear your stories.🙏Much love!)
With love and welcome, always,
-Katherine Champlin Rice, MA LPC
PS. Heard back last time that a recipient loved entering the 'glistening gold' of their toenails and another loved whistling, Frosty the Snowman, to re-enter the memory of a road trip in the snowy mountains with friends. For writing, they received the magnificent handmade tree pin below as their prize. Write back at to win a pin or to schedule an appointment and -- to find more peace.
🙏Please email with any and all inquiries.